Pool area and gate monitor

Overview of the idea:
The inspiration for the project idea comes from the current summer and "drowning season" for toddlers. The project would require hardware and software components and the internet to connect to an app. The main components are:

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional death for Australian children. Eighteen children between 0 - 4 years drowned in 2017/2018:

Statistics from KidSafe report on toddler drownings

- Children Accident Prevention Foundation Of Australia


The goals and objectives of this project are to make the pool area a safer place by creating fewer opportunities for harm or death to occur because of faulty pool fences, gates left open, or opportunistic children. The monitor will be a small remote IP rated waterproof case with a solar panel on the top to recharge the internal battery mounted on the pool fence next to the gate. The monitor will feature a PIR sensor to measure infrared light radiating from objects in its field of view, similar to how they perform in motion detectors, security alarms and automatic lighting applications. Additionally, the monitor will feature a switch between the monitor and the gate. Possibly an infrared light that, when the gate opens, opens circuits and sounds the alarm and notifies the user. The monitor also features a camera to stream a live video feed on request from the accompanying application. When the user's app linked with the monitor notifies that someone is in the pool area or has opened the gate, they can check the live video feed to confirm it is not a child before dismissing the alarm.

Tools and Techniques:
A suitable development environment includes:


Skills Required:

If this project were successful, the ideal outcome would be to prove that the idea is feasible or a POC (proof of concept) that, with further R&D, could prevent future toddler drownings.