Personal Profile

Myers Briggs test results:
Type: Assertive Advocate
Code: INFJ-A
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Confident individualism

Online learning style test results:
Test here
My overall score was 211. Individuals with a score in this range are more prepared for online learning than 50-75% of their student peers.

Logical reasoning test results:
Your score: 80%
Accuracy: 8/10

Test here
The user average for this test is 73%.
You're on your way, but we suggest you keep practising. Our premium dashboard allows you to keep track of your scores and compare them against your peers.

What do the results of these tests mean for you?
The results I received are relatively close to my expectations; I think it was pretty accurate after reading through the definition of an Assertive Advocate, diplomat, and confident individualism for the Myers Briggs test.
The online learning style test was no surprise. I have studied online before and feel comfortable with my ability to do so.
The logical reasoning test was a test I think employers would find helpful when assessing a new employee I scored well on this test also.
The results of these test I hope indicate that i would be suitable for a role in the IT industry.

How do you think these results may influence your behaviour in a team?
The results of the Myers Briggs test may indicate I will have difficulty being heard or getting my point across in a team as I am 73% introverted. I will need to keep this at the front of my mind and do my best to participate.

How should you take this into account when forming a team?
When forming a team, it would be a good idea to try and group with people whose strengths are similar to your weakness' and vice versa.
Also, it may be beneficial to pick team members of equivalent skill level and knowledge to yourself.